Lost Worlds Phase 1 Complete
In regards to our institutes mission statement, we are not only planning on recovering and preserving MUDs and MUD related files, but also providing a place for the public to experience these online virtual worlds.
We have managed (for the most part) to recover the most important codebases as well as the earlier, latest, and defining versions of those codebases that we could find.
While there were some that we simply couldn't find no matter how hard we looked, we felt that it was time to consider the matter closed for now and look forward to starting work on next phase of our work.
Instead of providing a web interface as originally planned in Phase 2 and Phase 3 of our Lost [Digital] Worlds project. We have decided to instead work on taking the initial release versions of the codebases, and fixing them to be able to compile and run with at least a modicum of stability.
We have already been involved in similar work involving TinyMUSE and DikuMUD. We will continue to add more of these to the roster, and we will commit ourselves to continue releasing the fruits of the projects to the public on GitHub, and of course here at the MUD Institute as well.
We will continue to track down lost MUD code and documentation, such a Stephen White version of MOO.